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Patrick is a qualified Vedic Meditation teacher trained and endorsed by Charlie Knoles, director of The Veda Center. He completed his residency in Bali, Indonesia where he was rigorously tested on Vedic Knowledge. Our methodology stems back to the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who is well known for bringing Vedic Meditation to the West in the 1960s and for teaching The Beatles how to meditate. 

On its most fundamental level, The Veda Center organizes meditation into 4 categories: Present Moment Awareness, Calm Focus, Energized Body + Mind, and Self Discovery. Honoring an interdisciplinary model, we acknowledge an array of techniques that aid us on our journey towards transcendence.  

To "transcend" means to go beyond. Go beyond what? Thoughts, ego, intellect, and the 5 senses. We move from thinking to simply Being. It is a lifetime process that clears limiting beliefs and allows us to effortlessly step into our full potential. 

Patrick has been practicing Vedic Meditation since 2016 and has taught over 500 people to meditate since he became a teacher in 2020. He brings over a decade of experience as a professional actor to his work that inspires his zest for life. Patrick continually strives to restore balance while lending his experience, knowledge, and compassion to help others.


In partnership with the University of Pennsylvania, Patrick has integrated his offerings at a psychiatric hospital serving children, adolescents, and adults in the greater Philadelphia region. He currently conducts clinical research for Penn's Psychedelic Collaborative.

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