Module 1: An Introduction to
The 4 Categories of Meditation
Present Moment Awareness: Fully immerse in the now without judgement or the necessity to take immediate action. Techniques may include Anapana Breathing, Zen Breath, and Body Scan. Train the mind to respond versus react.
Calm Focus: Introducing or revisiting positive ideas that create or strengthen a new neural pathway. Techniques may include loving kindness, visualizing, and intention setting that aim to manifest a desired outcome.
Energized Body + Mind: Through the lens of this category, energy and meditation are thought of as a sensation of power that informs our perception. Activate the breath in a way that clears blockages. Access the flow state of being.
Self Discovery: With the use of a universal mantra, we'll charm the mind into the 4th state of consciousness. Allow the mind to move beyond the superficial layers of the self. Over time, you expand the sense of Self and the true nature of identity.
Investment: $240, four 45min sessions
Module 2: Refining a Daily Practice
Mind Type Assessment: Learn more about the mechanics of stress release. Develop a strong understanding on the inner workings of your individual psyche and physiology. We'll begin to explore the formula of meditation that will lead you towards optimal wellness by introducing incremental changes over time.
Principles of Ayurveda: An introduction to fundamental ideas from the most ancient form of medicine. As we cultivate a personal wellness routine to aid us in the release of our stress, we'll discuss how to integrate these concepts with the demands of our modern world in order to promote longevity, nourishment, and fulfillment.
Mind + Body Integration: Begin to synchronize the principles of meditation to fully support the expansion of consciousness. Develop a relationship with the energetic body and come into contact with the more subtle realms of perception. Establish an unshakable and resilient sense of balance within.
Cosmic Inclusion: Awaken to the possibility of co-creating with Nature. As we continue to strengthen the nervous system, we increase our capacity to remain in the present moment. We begin to ground ourselves in a greater sense of Being; allowing us to access our innate creativity with more ease.
Investment: $320, four 45min sessions
Module 3: Vedic Meditation
Dive deeper within the category of Self Discovery meditation. Receive a personal mantra specifically chosen for you. Learn an effortless form of meditation to relieve deeply rooted stress from the body. Commit to a Self sufficient and Self sustaining practice. No apps, no recordings, just you and your mantra.
What is a mantra? From an Eastern perspective, mantra translates as "mind vehicle." Personal mantras are primal sounds and are more akin to music than to language. They serve as a mechanism that allows you to reach quieter and expanded states of consciousness over time. Vedic Meditation is taught by a qualified teacher who has gone through extensive training and has learned how to skillfully select the appropriate sound for their student.
Vedic Meditation is a simple, natural technique that we practice twice a day for 20 minutes. It is the most effortless and efficient way to access transcendental consciousness. The benefits of this practice include a stronger immune system, enhanced creativity, better sleep, healthier relationships, optimal brain functioning, and ultimately the experience of enlightenment.
Overview of the Four Day Course:
Day 1: Receive Your Personal Mantra (45 mins)
Witness a ceremony of gratitude to honor the culture from where this technique has been established.
Day 2: Mechanics of the Mantra (90 mins)
Learn the practicalities of meditation, and the instructions to ensure proper technique.
Day 3: Meditation and the Body (90 mins)
Discuss the scientific / spiritual benefits of the practice and develop a strong understanding of how the body relieves stress.
Day 4: Meditation and Consciousness (90 mins)
An introduction to the seven states of consciousness, normalizing spiritual experiences, and understanding the essence of the Self.
Investment: $800
Module 4: Spiritual Growth
This is a self-paced personal development program that requires you to demonstrate consistency in your practice over an extended period of time. In this module, we will explore the greats of Vedic Literature such as Vasistha's Yoga and the Bhagavad Gita.
We will cultivate a safe and brave space to gain context on our direct experiences inside and outside of meditation leading us to rapid transformation and a resilient sense of Self. Identify the blocks that may be inhibiting you from accessing your full potential.
This module examines Vedic Philosophy and its modern application. Feel completely supported and held as you integrate the knowledge, perfect your technique, and expand your consciousness. The opportunity to learn advanced instruction relies on the readiness of the student.
Advanced Techniques:
Rounding: Known as "industrial strength meditation," learn how to integrate a powerful combination of asana, pranayama, and meditation into one sitting that enhances and speeds up the process of stress release.
Advanced Mantra: For those who have been practicing with their mantra for over a year are qualified to receive an enhancement to their practice that integrates the qualities of transcendence with the waking state more rapidly.
Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patanjali: The ultimate advancement in our practice and the most efficient path to enlightenment. Discover the keys to perfect the qualities of the divine within, radiate bliss, and master your life in fulfillment!
Investment: $125 per hr session
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*payment plans & scholarship available